Captain Tsubasa WORLD – Terms of Use


These terms of use set forth the conditions under which customers (the “Users”) may use the services (the “Service”, including online serialized pages) provided on the “Captain Tsubasa WORLD” website (the “Site”) operated by Shueisha Inc. (the “Company”).

2.Scope of application

1. The Terms of Use shall apply to all activities when using the Service. By using the Service, Users are deemed to have agreed to the Terms of Use. Those who do not agree to these Terms of Use may not use the Service. If the User is a minor, the User shall obtain the consent of a legal representative, such as a parent or legal guardian, before using the Service.

2. Any additional incidental or related guidelines, rules, or other terms and conditions shall form a part of these Terms of Use (“Terms of Use” from here on shall include these terms and conditions).

3. In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of the Terms of Use and the related terms and conditions, the provisions of the Terms of Use shall prevail.

4. If any part of the Terms of Use is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or invalid, the remainder of the Terms of Use shall remain in full force and effect.

3.Third-party services

The Service may contain links to third-party websites or applications. When Users use these third-party website or application, they must comply with the terms of use and privacy policy set forth by such third party at their own risk. Relevant third parties may be liable for these third-party websites, applications, and other products and services, and for the acts or omissions of such third parties. In no event shall the Company be liable in any way in this regard.

4.Copyrights, etc.

1. Users acknowledge that the content of digitalized magazines, books, and portions thereof, as well as videos, images, audio, text, games, etc., (the “Content”) provided by the Company may differ from the content published in paper form.

2. Users acknowledge that the Content may be changed (corrections, deletion or addition of information, etc.) at the discretion of the Company.

3. The Company does not guarantee the safety, accuracy, usefulness, or non-infringement of third-party rights of the Content.

4. All intellectual property rights, including copyrights, related to the Content and all information accompanying the Content posted on the Service (copyrights, trademarks, design rights, and all other intellectual property rights as defined in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act; the same applies below) belongs to the Company or to the third parties that provide such Content to the Service.

5. Users may not use these materials beyond the scope permitted by the terms and conditions of use set forth in the Terms of Use and the Copyright Act. Additionally, the User agrees that under no circumstances will they perform any act that infringes or may infringe upon the rights of the Company or any third party in relation to the Service.

6. Users may not allow any third party to perform any act in violation of the preceding paragraphs.

5.Personal responsibility for equipment, etc.

1. Users shall prepare, at their own expense and responsibility, all communication devices, software, and any other equipment necessary to use the Service. Additionally, Users shall, at their own expense and responsibility, prepare the telecommunications environment necessary to use the Site and use the Site via any telecommunications service of their choice.

2. Users shall, at their own responsibility and expense, take the appropriate security measures (prevention of computer virus infection, unauthorized access, information leakage, etc.) for their usage environment.

6.Principle of personal responsibility

1. Users use the Service at their own risk, and the Company shall not be liable for any compensation or other damages incurred by Users in using the Service.

2. In the event that a User receives a complaint from a third party regarding the use of the Service, or any other problem arises with the third party, the User shall handle and resolve the problem directly with the third party, and the Company shall not be involved in any way.

3. In the event that a User causes damage to the Company or a third party through the use of the Service (including cases where a third party or the Company suffers damages due to the User’s failure to fulfill his/her obligations under the Terms of Use), said User shall compensate the Company or third party at his/her own responsibility and expense, or seek other resolutions, and shall not burden or inconvenience the Company in any way.


1. The Company’s “Shueisha Privacy Policy” shall apply to the handling of User information.

2. When a User accesses a website operated by the Company, the Company collects certain information as an access log and stores it for a certain period of time. Information contained in the access log includes the date and time of access, the URL accessed, the number of accesses, IP address, the type of OS and browser used, referrer information (information about from which website you accessed the websites the Company operates), etc. Information that can identify a specific individual, such as User names and addresses, will not be included. Information contained in access logs may be collected by using cookies or other device identifiers to identify the User’s browser, and may be used as part of the Company’s Service improvement efforts, to which Users agree to in advance.

8.Prohibited acts regarding the Service

When using the Service, Users shall not engage in any of the following acts, or any act that may lead to such acts. If any of these actions are confirmed, the Company may, at its discretion, take measures to suspend all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User.

(1) Any act of reproduction (screenshots, etc.), distribution, public transmission, modification, or licensing to a third party of the Site or the Contents, or any other use of the Service for any purpose other than the User’s own personal use.

(2) Deletion of any notice regarding the copyright holder on the Site.

(3) Any act that causes any part of the program to be separated from the Site.

(4) Reverse engineering, decompiling, or disassembling the Site.

(5) Unauthorized access to the Site or the Content and the act of tampering with or deleting them.

(6) Use of the Service while impersonating a third party.

(7) Transmitting information that contains harmful programs or making such information available to third parties.

(8) Unauthorized access to any third-party facilities or Site facilities (includes the operator’s telecommunication equipment, computers, and other equipment and software provided by the operator to provide the Content and the Service), or any act that interferes with the use or operation thereof.

(9) Violating any guidelines, rules, or other terms and conditions associated with the Terms of Use.

(10) In addition to the preceding items, any act that the Company deems inappropriate, such as violations of public order and morals, copyright laws, other laws and regulations or penal regulations, or acts that interfere with the provision of the Service.


The Company may outsource all or part of the operations necessary for the operation of the Service and provision of the Service to third parties.

10.Changes to Service content, etc.

1. If the Company deems it necessary, the Company may change all or part of the contents of the Service without the User’s consent.

2. The Company shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from changes to the Service.

11.Suspension of the Service

1. If any of the following events occur, the Company may temporarily suspend provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to Users.

(1) Periodic or emergency maintenance of the equipment used to provide the Service.

(2) Business or technical trouble attributable to the Company such as system failure, network interruption, etc.

(3) The Service cannot be provided due to force majeure such as natural disasters, etc.

(4) In addition to the preceding items, the Company may temporarily suspend provision of the Service for reasons beyond the Company’s control.

2. The Company shall endeavor to ensure the continued operation of the Service but is under no further obligation to do so. Therefore, even if a delay or suspension of the Service occurs due to any of the items in the preceding paragraph or for any other reason, the Company shall not be liable for any resulting damage incurred by Users or any third party.

12.Termination of the Service

1. The Company may, for its own reasons, terminate the provision of all or part of the Service after giving prior notice to the User.

2. Notification to Users shall be made by publishing the notice on the Site and by other reasonable means.

3. The Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred by Users as a result of the termination of the Service.

13.Revision of the Terms of Use

1. When amending the Terms of Use, the Company will provide a reasonable period of advance notice, and will post a notice on the Site detailing that the Terms of Use have been amended, the contents of the amended Terms of Use, and the effective date of the amendment.

2. The Company may modify the Terms of Use at any time at its discretion when the Company deems it reasonable in light of the necessity of the change, the reasonableness of the content after the change, and other circumstances, without obtaining the User’s consent when it is in the interest of the User or does not conflict with the purpose of the agreement with the User.

3. By using the Service after any changes to the Terms of Use take effect, the User is deemed to have agreed to all of the terms and conditions contained in the updated Terms of Use. Users who do not agree to the updated Terms of Use shall not use the Service.

14.Transfer prohibited

Users shall not transfer the rights and obligations relating to the use of the Service, or allow a third party to inherit them.

15.Languages, court of jurisdiction

1. The Terms of Use were originally written in Japanese and the Japanese text is the authoritative text. Any translation of the Terms of Use into another language is for reference purposes only and shall not be binding on the Company or the Users, even if it is inconsistent with the Japanese version. The Japanese version of the Terms of Use can be found here.

2. The Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

3. The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any disputes arising in connection with the use of the Service or the Terms of Use.
Established July 31, 2024